As stated by previous viewers
This really never gets old. It's like the jokes are constantly being reinvented.
Oh and also, the play button scared the shit out of me when I clicked it :P
As stated by previous viewers
This really never gets old. It's like the jokes are constantly being reinvented.
Oh and also, the play button scared the shit out of me when I clicked it :P
Not used to this kind of flash. Your other submissions were way better than this.
Still, 8/10 out of respect.
Holy Shit!
Did not see that coming!
NG <3 Dick
What the hell are you doing in my soup?
Backstroke man!
I laughed my ass off, good job! :D
So true.
This had all of those typical characteristics of some Japanese anime, which you totally spoofed and made fun of.
This is absolutely fantastic.
This actually made me laugh:D
Epic awesomeness!
Enough said!
If it wasn't for the "decent" animating, this would've gone straight to Blamnation.
Great, you made it through judgement, now do something that's actually worth watching. No offense though, you're only trying.
I don't know anything about making flash, so I can't give you any supportive critisism for that matter...
Just try harder.
This has potential.
Good job. Just make it longer and more awesome. :)
Thanks ^^
Not the greatest I've seen.
You should try even harder.
You did a goob job though.
If this is truly your very first submission, thumbs up.
Nothing too special.
Age 33, Male
Being occupant.
St-Augustinus (Belgium)
Joined on 10/29/03